The sweeter, stranger side of an artist you might otherwise think was only sad.

Can you tell us a bit about the band’s background?

Sure. I moved to Melbourne in 2014 to study. I was always playing in other people’s bands/ projects and it wasn’t till I finished my degree that I realised I was ready to venture into something where my own songwriting was completely front and centre.

The lineup has evolved over the years but I’ve been very lucky to work and collaborate with my band in Patrick Wilson, Tom Brooks and Laura Baxter for several years now.

How do you approach songwriting and creating new music?

I’m always thinking of new ideas and the process can vary. But, I love listening to interesting melodies that resonate with me, so I find that’s the perspective I often lead from when writing.


You just wrapped up some live shows at the Tamworth Country Music festival. How was it?

Really wonderful.

That was our 5th TCMF and we played some great shows. Its has become a really special thing to play over the years and carve out a little home we go to each January.



Can you tell me about any future plans or tour dates?

This year I want to spend some focused time working on the second record.

We’ll be playing throughout the year with a few festivals, and at the end of the year we’ll be showcasing new songs at the Melbourne Recital Centre with reimagined arrangements alongside a string quartet for a project backed by Creative Victoria – naturally very excited for that.